Peace of Mind Money Managers, LLC

Susan headshotDaily money management is a part of all of our lives, and depending upon our personalities, we give more or less attention to it. Paying less attention can lead to late fees, overdraft charges, and a sense of unease when we do not have an accurate picture of our financial situation.

Peace of Mind Money Managers can provide the peace of mind (!) that the organization of your financial paperwork and on-time bill paying can bring. We design a program that works for you. Our services complement the other professionals you rely upon who provide legal, investment, and tax-preparation services.

Who needs a daily money manager?

  • Individuals whose physical or mental limitations make financial paperwork difficult or impossible
  • The recently bereaved who are faced with learning a new set of financial skills while grieving
  • Busy professionals whose careers, family, and social activities leave no time for managing their daily financial activities
  • Individuals who cannot manage their daily finances due to illness, travel, or other extenuating circumstances
  • Executors who find the organizing of an estate is taking too much of their time

What can Peace of Mind Money Managers do for you?


  • Pay your bills on time to safeguard your credit rating and avoid late fees
  • Make deposits if you cannot get to the bank
  • Resolve issues with banks, utilities, insurance companies, and other service providers
  • Reconcile bank, credit card, and other financial statements to ensure that they are accurate
  • Maintain well-organized, accurate, and user-friendly financial records to provide an accurate picture of your financial picture
  • Gather and organize financial information to present to your tax preparer
  • Assist executors with organizing lists of assets
  • Sort and review mail
  • Set up a filing system that is easy for you to use
  • De-clutter your home by clearing out and shredding outdated and unnecessary paperwork
  • Track expenses and assist with budgeting